Landon’s 7-month update! As I wrote that title, I am still in disbelief that Landon is already 7 months old! I remember when Landon was born, we had so many people telling Dan and me to cherish all of the moments because it goes by so fast. Now 7 months later, I know exactly what they meant. I am making sure to take in all the slow mornings with extra baby cuddles and playtime.
The last time I did a Landon blog post update, he was 3 months old, and I know so many of you loved reading it. So I wanted to share all the changes that have happened in the past 4 months because there have been so many!

I have been exclusively pumping since Landon was 2 months. I started out breastfeeding as soon as he was born, but Landon was having trouble latching correctly so I switched to just pumping. We mostly give him breastmilk (90% of the time), but we do supplement with formula when needed. When we use formula, we give him HIPP Organic Formula, which Landon has been great with! We have tried other brands and all of them upset his stomach a lot. We have been using this formula for 2 months now and he has had no issues with it! As far as breastmilk feedings go, he usually drinks anywhere from 6 to 7 ounces every 3 to 4 hours or so.
Right at 6 months is when we started introducing solid foods to Landon. The first week of offering Landon solid foods was rough. He refused to take the feedings and his tongue would just push the food out. We were told by our pediatrician that this was normal and to continue to slowly introduce the solid food (a teaspoon or two a day) until he got used to it. When the second week rolled around, he was thankfully no longer pushing the food out of his mouth and started to actually enjoy it! We started out giving him baby cereal/oatmeal and then moved onto single-ingredient pureed vegetables and fruit! When introducing the solid foods, we started out with single-ingredient purees, but recently have transitioned into combinations. We make sure that between each new solid food we introduce, that we wait 3-5 days before introducing another. This is the recommended amount of time to wait between new solid foods to ensure that your baby doesn’t have any negative reactions. As far as the amount of food we give him, it differs. The first few weeks went from teaspoons to tablespoons. We are now feeding him solids 3 times a day, about 5- 8 tablespoons each feeding. Some feedings he is hungrier than others, so we just watch his cues and stop when he starts turning away. We also introduced a sippy cup filled with water when we started solids and still continue to give that to him after each meal.
This was just one of the many articles I read to learn more about introducing solids. I also bought this organic baby recipe book to help with pureed food combination ideas. The recipes start out from 6 months (single-ingredient purees) all the way to finger foods and toddler meal ideas.
Landon has always been a great sleeper, which we know we are blessed with. We started sleep training with him at an early age and used Taking Cara Babies course to help navigate us through the newborn stage. It taught us how to understand baby cues and how to establish good habits and sleep routines early on. This course was not sponsored and we used our own money to pay for it. The course was extremely helpful for us being first-time parents and I highly recommend it! She also offers sleep courses from 3 months all the way to 24 months. She also has so many, great informative articles on her blog that you can read for free!
During the day, Landon takes 2-3 short naps. Each nap is usually around 45 minutes to an hour. The time we start our nightly bedtime routine usually depends on when he finished napping or eating. We always make sure though that he is in his crib by 8 pm at the latest, to keep him on his sleep routine. He currently sleeps through the night from 7:30/8 pm to 7:30/8 am.
Example of Landon’s Schedule
This schedule is never exactly the same each day. It differs depending on how well he naps, when he’s hungry, or if he’s being fussy, etc. We do try to keep to this schedule as much as possible though to create a routine with him.
- 7:30am – Wakeup and Bottle Feeding
- 9:00am- Solid Feeding #1
- 10:30am-11:30am – Nap 1
- 11:30am – Wakeup and Bottle Feeding
- 12:00 pm – Solid Food Feeding #2
- 1:30pm – 2:30pm – Nap 2
- 2:30pm – Wakeup and Bottle Feeding
- 4:30pm – 5:00pm – Nap 3 (this last nap is more of a “cat nap”)
- 5:00pm – Wakeup and Bottle Feeding
- 6:00pm – Solid Food Feeding #3
- 6:30pm – Start Bedtime Routine (shower, read a book)
- 7:15pm – Bottle Feeding
- 7:30/8:00pm – Bedtime
- Eating solids! He LOVES bananas, avocados, and sweet potatoes.
- Able to hold and drink from a sippy cup
- Able to stand up with us holding his hand
- Passing items from one hand to another, long-reaching for toys
- Rolling from front to back, and back to front
- Able to sit up without support
- Recognizes us and can see us from across the room
- Seeing a tiny tooth poking through!

Favorite Feeding Products
Favorite Teething Toys
Favorite Baby Toys/Activities