As I wrote that blog title, I started to get emotional. How is Landon already 3 months old?! I never understood when people would say that these years will go by fast, until now. I’ve been learning now more than ever to be present in all the moments. I’ve learned that if I need to put a task on hold to soak it all in, then that’s what I will do! This season won’t last long, so I’m cherishing every moment. ❤️ Now onto Landon’s three-month update!
Routine / Schedule
This started off a little rough for us because of 1). we are first-time parents and 2). Landon was very fussy in the beginning. Dan and I knew that we needed guidance on where to start and how to come up with a schedule/routine for Landon. We ended up purchasing the Newborn Taking Cara Babies course and it was worth every penny for us! I won’t go into too much detail here but it helped us understand more of Landon’s baby cues and how to establish a routine from the start. I just want to say before I go further into our routine, that every baby is so different. What works for us, might not work for you. I want to share what did work for us though so you can take away some tips and resources.
We are still going by the Eat/Wake/Sleep cycle. This means when Landon wakes up, we immediately feed him. After Landon feeds, he is awake anywhere from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, and this varies every day. During his awake/playtime, we usually have him do tummy time on his play mat or we will put him in the swing. When we see his sleepy cues (i.e. yawning, consistent staring in one place, decreased activity, awake for 1.5 hours, etc.) we put him back down to sleep. He usually naps for about 2-3 hours during the day and I will feed him if he doesn’t wake up on his own every 3-4 hours.
Landon’s 3 Month Schedule:
- 7:00 am – Landon wakes up and eats
- 7:30am- 8:30am – Awake / Playtime
- 8:30am -11:00am – Nap #1 (This is usually his longest nap)
- 11:00 am – Feed
- 11:30 – 12:30 pm- Awake / Playtime
- 12:30 – 2:30 pm- Nap #2
- 2:30 – Feed
- 3:00 – 4:30 – Nap #3 (Usually takes shorter naps around this time)
- 4:30 – Feed
- After his last feeding around this time, it’s honestly so up and down. Sometimes he will nap again, sometimes he is extra hungry so we feed him one hour later, or sometimes he just wants to stay up and hang out with us. He usually gets fussier around this time too.
- 6:30 – Start his nighttime routine: bath (if it’s a bathing day), change him into pajamas, put on owlet, read him a book, etc.
- Around 7:00 – Feed
- 7:30 – 9:00 – He is usually pretty awake during this time and will just hang out with us. Sometimes if he is going through a leap, he will cluster feed around this time.
- 9:00 – Nighttime Feed
- 9:30/10 – Bedtime
Please keep in mind that the schedule above is what works best for us and that it will change so much depending on the day and Landon’s mood.
I am now exclusively pumping and we are feeding Landon 4-4 1/2 ounces every 3-4 hours. He usually eats around 6-8 times a day and each feeding takes about 15 minutes. In the beginning, we noticed that after feeding, Landon would start to get fussy and had a lot of gas. When we went to our Pediatrician they recommended us to get these probiotic drops to help ease any indigestion he was having. After a few days of using this, we saw a huge difference!
Awake Time
After Landon feeds, we give him awake time for 60 – 90 minutes, or until he shows signs of getting sleepy. I follow Taking Cara Babies schedule when it comes to these time limits. During this time we will either read books, use our activity play mat, have conversations, walk around the house showing different rooms, or use this activity mirror with cards during tummy time.
Landon currently naps 3-5 times per day in his crib for 2-3 hours. We try and not let him nap anytime after 6:30 pm so it won’t affect him sleeping through the night. I found the key to be able to put him down to sleep has been all about the timing. I closely watch for his sleepy cues during his “Awake/Playtime”. As soon as I see him start to get tired, I immediately swaddle him, put in his pacifier and put him in the crib. The key for us was to get him down when he wasn’t fully asleep yet and let him soothe himself to sleep on his own. Using this sound machine as a sleeping cue has helped a lot! It also drowns out the sounds that occur daily (aka Lola barking at everything) which helps prevent him from waking up.
So up until a couple of days ago, Landon slept in our room in his Halo bassinest. The other day, I woke up in the middle of the night to find him on his stomach, luckily with his head to the side. He never showed signs of rolling until this and let’s just say this mama had quite the scare that night! Since then, we have moved him to the crib to sleep at night. We had him napping in the crib from the beginning, so it has been a pretty easy transition. I am currently back to using this Halo Sleepsack so he can sleep with his arms out. I will be starting to look and research other transitioning sleepsacks too! As far as sleeping goes, Landon is able to sleep through the night. He will usually sleep for 10 hours straight before waking up.
- Able to hold up his head with his elbows during tummy time
- Starting to follow moving objects with his eyes and loves watching things move
- He is smiling more often and I even get a belly laugh here and there
- He is starting to see more at a distance and smiling at us from across the room
- He found his voice and is starting to “talk” constantly with his gahs, ohs, and coos
- Starting to reach for objects and holds them on his own
- “Discovered” his hands, keeps his hands close and chews on his fingers
- Sleeps through the night for 8+ hours
- Rolls over, so we transitioned him from the bassinet at night to the crib
Favorite Items at 3 months
Below are some of the items we use daily. I wrote a more in-depth blog post on all the baby items we have used from newborn to now! You can check it out here.