Leggings // Sports Bra // Sneakers // Water Bottle
New Year, New You..right? Well that’s totally how I feel. I have always worked out pretty regularly since college, but towards the end of last year I ended up slacking pretty badly. I am so motivated this year to be consistent with my workouts and overall continue to make my health & wellness a top priority.
I will be honest, sometimes I feel like working out is the last thing I want to do and then I’ll start to come up with a ton of excuses on why I shouldn’t..”I’m tired”, “I don’t want my hair to get dirty”, “I’m too hungry”, “A trip to Target sounds so much better”..and the list goes on. As soon as I start feeling this way I know that I NEED to workout, because when you don’t want to is when you need to the most. I’ll share with you some tips on how I stay motivated and stop the excuses throughout the year.
Be Prepared
I will pack my gym bag the night before to ensure I have everything ready so I can quickly grab it in the morning and go. I also make sure to pack multiple high protein snacks (i.e. protein bar, hard boiled eggs, cheese & crackers) to take with me so I don’t have the excuse that I am too hungry! For the days I work out at home, I still lay out my gym clothes the night before so I don’t even need to think about it and can put them on right away.
Pick Out Your Workout Ahead Of Time
I find that I am so much more excited to workout when I know the type of workout I’ll be doing the day before. I usually plan out my week of workouts ahead of time so I know what I am doing each day. An example of one of my weekly workouts: Monday: Kickboxing, Tuesday: Bootcamp Class, Wednesday: Biceps/Triceps, Thursday: Legs, Friday: 30 minute Cardio. Pinterest has a ton of workouts to follow that you can pin and look at after. I also LOVE following Lauren Gleisburg workouts. She puts a lot of free workouts on her blog and the programs she sells are super affordable too!
Switch It Up – Make It FUN!
It’s SO important to switch up your routine and to have fun with it! I do different group classes throughout the week and in some of them I don’t even feel like I am working out because I enjoy it that much! If you do the same workouts over and over, you’re going to get bored and will start to lack motivation. So make sure you are finding different workouts that make you excited! For instance, if you workout at a local gym by yourself, maybe bring a friend a few times a week with you. Or sign up to take group classes a couple times a month to switch things up. If I want to do a quick workout or switch up the standard cardio, I usually do some type of HIIT workout. Those type of workouts go by SO fast and you keep burning calories for hours afterwards!
Have A Good Playlist
This may sound silly but having the right playlist for me will seriously make or break a workout. If most of my songs aren’t upbeat and get me moving then I find myself not pushing myself hard enough or taking a bunch of unnecessary breaks.
Your mindset plays a huge role in your motivation. When I don’t want to workout, I remind myself how GOOD I will feel afterwards when I’m done. A lot of times to change my mindset I will read some motivational quotes/ watch motivational videos or even look up some of my fav fitness IG accounts for inspo!
Have A Fitness Tracker/App
I have an Apple Watch and I’m able to track my workouts, heart rate and calories burned throughout the workout which is huge for me. It’s so rewarding to be able to see those numbers during & at the end of the workout. You can also see how many calories you burned throughout the week on most of the apps/trackers too. So if you don’t have any type of fitness tracker I would highly suggest you get one if you’re the type of person that likes to “see” the numbers.
Get Cute (but comfy) Workout Clothes
I have the most motivation to push through my workouts when I feel good about what I am wearing! If I feel comfortable and love my outfit it boosts my mood. At the end of this post, I will be sharing a bunch of cute but affordable options for you all!
Finally, Make it A Routine! Find What Works For You!
Honestly, if you don’t workout consistently or have a workout routine then it is very hard to stay motivated to workout. I found that when I made it a habit, it started to come more naturally and it didn’t feel like a box I had to check off. If you are just starting to workout regularly – Don’t Over Do It. Start by working out a few days a week, 30 minutes each day and slowly increase the days/times each week until it’s a schedule & intensity that works for you. Taking on too much at once or working out for hours will make you think negatively about working out and ultimately make you not want to. I found for me personally that working out 4-5 days a week for no more than 30-45 minutes each day is what keeps me motivated and not get burnt out. It’s all about what works for you! It’s going to take time before you find that perfect routine, but it will all be worth it when you do!
I hope some of these tips help you with your fitness journey this year and keep you motivated to be the best version of yourself! xoxo

These are all such fabulous tips! And I LOVE this look, that sports bra is amazing!
Laura, http://www.blogilluminate.com
Thank you SO much Laura! xoxo